Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Day at Hakuba 47

We've had an amazingly mild winter so far this year. I haven't been riding every Sat. and Sun. like last year because the snow hasn't been as good and the temperature in my apartment during the day is actually pleasant (last year, it was warmer/safer to go riding and work up a sweat than stay in my apartment sucking in carbon monoxide fumes all day).

These are some pictures from a day of back country riding up at Hakuba 47. In a full 8 a.m--5 p.m. day of riding, we managed to get 4 runs in. It was awesome, but exhausting because of all the hiking.

left: Mike and I

left: Greg, Tim, and I

left: Greg in the trees

left: Stu, Tim, Mike, Rich, and Greg

left: Tim

left: Tim and Greg at the top of the south face of 47

left: After a 40 minute hike from the top lift, this was the view from the ridge before we went down the north face.

left: Tim scouting out a scary, wind-blown cornice type thing

left: After we made it down the north face, we ended up in a valley and had to ride along a river /cross a bunch of dams for an hour and a half to get back to our cars. This shot is of me climbing to get to my board after throwing it down to the snow from atop the dam.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay!!! it all sounds perfect. you are going to have an amazing time, and i cant wait to see some pictures from vietnam! i like the last paragraph.