Motorbike driver upon seeing me: "Hey! Motorbike?"
Me: "No thanks, I'm walking." (At this point, I usually made a little walking motion with my index and ring fingers just to make my intentions clear. This often had no effect on the ensuing conversation.)
"No motorbike? OK, marijuana? You want? Very good, strong."
"No thanks."
"OK, boom-boom? Girlfriend? Beautiful." (This is when the motorbike driver would usually drive his fist into his palm over and over again to show me what it would be like if I were to have sex with his acquaintance... I guess? It would be like a fist hitting a palm?)
"No thanks."
"OK. Opium. Verrrrry good." (Usually delivered in a faint whisper.)
"No thanks."

My questions for you guys and gals reading this are:
What's with the order of offers?
What makes a man who turns down a motorbike ride more likely to buy some pot?
Is a man who doesn't want pot obviously looking for a little love?
And is a man who turns down sex clearly a junkie with a dehydrated libido just looking to score his next fix?
I can only assume there is some logic behind the standard motorbike pitch because, regardless of the driver, I seemed to get offers in the same order: motorbike, pot, sex, opium.
Why didn't I ever hear--motorbike, sex, pot, opium? Or motorbike, opium, sex, pot? Huh? Huh?
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