After a few stressful days of answering questions via email about my bicycle trip and one 30-minute phone interview, I just found out that I won the
2007 Delaying the Real World Fellowship. The award pays
$3,500 and is provided by Perseus Books, a publishing group that publishes a book called
Delaying the Real World. The book is a manual for 20-somethings that describes how to delay (or completely avoid) getting some mundane cubicle job by following their passions.
Yeeehaw! I'm stoked!
Congrats on the award bro!
High Five!
Like I said..
I truly believe that you are the perfect man to embark on this journey. I know that you will be affecting so many lives during and after this trip. I have you in my mental top five favorite people because off all that you are. Keeping it up!
P.S. - I would proudly display the "My kid got schooled by Andrew" bumper sticker
I sent a link to a friend to read about your journey and this is the response.
trtlelove: Here this guy is teaching in Japan and I am worried about getting a new battery for my carbon monoxide detector
xDAMIKEYx: It makes you want to live right..?
trtlelove: totally
Thanks Andrew!
This is sooo awesome-- I'm so stoked for you and proud :) Can't wait to catch up with you in August...
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