Friday, May 19, 2006


If you are one of my one or two loyal readers, I must appologize: I have been a pathetic blogger as of late. One post a month for the past two months? Sweet Jesus! A dead, armless, once-blind, computer hater (you know, one of those "Email? Ughh!!! Only hand-written letters for me, they're more pure..." folks) could have blogged more than I have in the past few months. I truly am sorry. Sound the sirens, wake the junkies, close the schools, and tell the hermit crabs to peek out of their shells once again, the blogging drought has ended. Monsoon season has arrived!

I've been a busy man recently. We had two guests out from Hawaii last week, and I've also been spending a lot of time getting the garden planted and ready for the summer season. I put the blog on the back burner. But it's back cooking again, so pop up that popcorn, crack that Sierra open, put on your hideous Lazy Sunday Sweater and Day-After-Thanksgiving Sweatpants and enjoy the posts!

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