Friday, May 19, 2006

Where the Hell are the Photos? And a Great Read

I know, I'm looking for them too. My camera's battery charger died a quick, sudden death last month so my camera has been out of commission. I'm in the process of getting a new charger. I'm hoping to steal a few pictures from the Photographer in Residence to put up on the blog. Coming soon, I promise.

Oh, by the way--I just finished reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. I don't care if he made a few parts up, the memoir is awesome. I couldn't put the thing down and read 200 pages one day at my desk at work. It's based on his experiences dealing with multiple addictions in a rehab center near Chicago. Literary critics have their panties in a bunch because he admitted that he fudged a few parts to make the story more "dramatic"--like the part about him going to jail for 3 months (he really went for 3 hours). And the part where he drives his car into a police officer (he never did that). Who gives a shit? The book is still great and he challenges readers and critics to debate the boundaries of autobiographical writing. I also dig how the book is paragraph-free and filled with tons of random capitalization. The writing flows naturally (even though parts of it are made up, ha!) and the story is...well...unbelievable! It's a great read, just take it with a grain of salt.

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