Thursday, April 26, 2007

A $400 Haircut? Seriously?

left: Complete twat checking for cracks in his mask

John Edwards used money earned through his campaign fundraising to pay for two separate $400 haircuts.

Think about that.

This man is not like us. He's a creature from a planet devoid of hearts, souls, brains, and real problems.

Fit to be president? Well, based on past presidents and how he stacks up on the I'm-Richer-Than-All-The-People-I-Represent Scale, he's A-OK. Fit to be fiscally responsible? Not in a million years.

If he was the only candidate for 2008 who is best suited for a comic strip rather than the White House, I'd laugh all this off. That's the problem: He's simply the next guy in a long line of idiotic candidates and presidents that stretches far back into our history and will stretch, without some sort of country-wide resistance to vacuous leaders, far into our future.

I'm 24-years-old and already so much of what I read about when it comes to elections (not just in America, but all over the world) reeks of silliness and superficiality. I'm so sick of shells of men rising to the top of the heap and ending up as candidates. How is it that we've created a system that allows fools to get rich AND get votes? Shouldn't our smartest, most compassionate citizens with the cleanest records and most humble budgets be our candidates?! Doesn't this make common sense?

A country is truly fucked up when it keeps making the same mistakes over and over again, when it keeps putting cookie-cutter rich guys on election pedestals. Why isn't the whole country repulsed yet? Honestly, why not? How do 70-year-olds and 80-year-olds even drag themselves to the polling stations anymore?

When you know the next 15 steps in the dance and the next 5 minutes of notes in the song, why even lace up your shoes? At what point do you say, "Fuck dancing, I'm going for a swim"?

Read all about how candidates are spending the money Americans are giving them here.

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