John Edwards used money earned through his campaign fundraising to pay for two separate $400 haircuts.
Think about that.
This man is not like us. He's a creature from a planet devoid of hearts, souls, brains, and real problems.
Fit to be president? Well, based on past presidents and how he stacks up on the I'm-Richer-Than-All-The-People-I-Represent Scale, he's A-OK. Fit to be fiscally responsible? Not in a million years.
If he was the only candidate for 2008 who is best suited for a comic strip rather than the White House, I'd laugh all this off. That's the problem: He's simply the next guy in a long line of idiotic candidates and presidents that stretches far back into our history and will stretch, without some sort of country-wide resistance to vacuous leaders, far into our future.

A country is truly fucked up when it keeps making the same mistakes over and over again, when it keeps putting cookie-cutter rich guys on election pedestals. Why isn't the whole country repulsed yet? Honestly, why not? How do 70-year-olds and 80-year-olds even drag themselves to the polling stations anymore?

Read all about how candidates are spending the money Americans are giving them here.
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